Hair is the fastest growing tissue of the body, made up of
proteins called keratins. Every strand of hair is made up of
three layers: the inner layer or medulla (only present in
thick hairs); the middle layer or cortex, which determines
the strength, texture, and color of hair; and the cuticle,
which protects the cortex. Hair grows from roots, which are
enclosed in follic les. Below this is a layer of skin called the
dermal papilla, which is fed by the bloodstream carrying
nourishments vital to the growth of hair. Only the roots of
hair are actually alive, while the visible part of hair is dead
tissue, and therefore unable to heal itself. It is vital then to
take care of the scalp and body in order to perpetuate hair
growth and maintenance. Expensive treatments that claim
to treat the visible hair and nourish it therefore are usually
no more than bogus claims made to sell products.
Hormones called androgens, usually testosterone, can
cause hair follicles to shrink, causing thinning of hair or
eventual hair loss. Reportedly only bone marrow grows
faster in our body than hair does. The average scalp
contains 100,000-150,0 00 hair follicles and hairs, with 90%
growing and 10% resting at any given time. Hair actually
grows in three stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen. The
anagen phase is the phase where hair is actively growing,
and of course this phase is longer for follicles in the scalp
than anywhere else on your body, and lasts longer for
women than men. It is natural for follicles to atrophy and
hair to fall out, and this is called the catagen phase. This
phase is only temporary, and eventually the follicle enters
the telogen phase where it is resting. These are the 10% at
rest mentioned above. Normal anagen phases last
approximately five years, with catagen phases lasting about
three weeks, and telogen phases lasting approximately 12
weeks. As you see it is natural to lose some hair. Natural
hair loss is considered to be in the range of 100 hairs per
day. It is not apparent to most people that hair is actually
being lost unt il more than 50% of a person‘s hair is actually
More Hair Facts and Hair Loss Basics
the more recessive the hair gene, the more propensity
toward baldness one has. Blond-haired persons have a
greater propensity toward hair loss than darker-haired
people, and therefore Caucasian persons have a greater
propensity toward hair loss than non-Caucasian people.
Beyond the genetic propensity of certain people toward hair
loss, there seems to be various dietary triggers that
activate the process, a notion that is promising since this
can be controlled.
What exactly are androgens? Androgens are sex hormones
mainly produced by males, the main one of which is
testosterone. Androgens are produced by the adrenal
glands, whic h protect the body in stressful situations by
also producing adrenaline so that the body may respond to
situations it deems to be threatening. The stress of daily
life in Western civilization has caused a state of alarm in
people that has made the body unable to distinguish
between everyday stressors and threatening situations.
Therefore the adrenal glands in most people in Western
civilizations are overactive, constantly producing adrenaline
and naturally producing testosterone along with it.
Addit ionally, the over-consumption of red meat and high fat
foods in Western society cause an overactive adrenal gland,
perpetuating this situation.
There is a definite connection between the syndrome of
Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) and the prostate gland. The
prostate gland is actually a cluster of small glands in males
surrounding the urethra, located just below the bladder.
There is not a lot known about all the functions of the
prostate, except that it serves to squeeze seminal fluid into
and through the urethra during ejaculation. Prostate
problems can cause serious problems with urination it
becomes enlarged, and sometimes the prostate becomes
cancerous. The syndrome of non-cancerous enlargement of
the prostate is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH). DHT is responsible for the division of cells in the
prostate, and is normally expelled by the prostate.
However, when the prostate fails to expel the DHT, it builds
up and causes enlargement. It has been confirmed that
typical North American and northern European diets lend to
the perpetuation of BPH and prostate cancer, whereas
these are uncommon phenomena in other lands and was
even uncommon here in the past. This is significant
because the overproduction of DHT is responsible for BPH
and prostate cancer, and is also responsible for MPB or
androgenetic alopecia. The findings in research for BPH
cures have usually simultaneously produced benefits in hair
growth. We shall cover some of these discoveries in various
sections of this book. Additionally, changes in diet are
necessary to avoid all of these conditio ns and improve
overall health.
Some common myths have arisen concerning hair loss.
Because of medical advancements many of these myths are
being addressed and corrected. For starters, although
androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness is genetic and
therefore can be hereditary, it is not passed down through
only your mother‘s side of the family. Either side of the
Family can pass down the genetic disposition toward
baldness. Also, contrary to old family tales, wearing hats
does not cause baldness either.
Most common hair loss comes under what has been
commonly known as Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Although
referred to as MPB, females suffer a similar syndrome, so it
is more properly called androgenetic alopecia. Although hair
loss is not life or health threatening, it can cause serious
problems with a person‘s psyche and self-confidence. There
has been no absolute cure found for hair loss, and many
factors of hair loss are hereditary, however there are
several preventative measures one can take to maintain
healthy hair and scalp.
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